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mdworld - c3po


Gave the laptop and my x-micro wifi usb adapter to my brother-in-law.
by Martin @ 10:26 2 November 2006


Discarded it, because I got my girlfriend this. Click here for a picture of C3PO.
by Martin @ 9:25 7 July 2006


I havent't used C3PO for a while now, so recently I reinstalled it with Windows XP nLite (stripped version of Windows XP), so my girlfriend can use it (i.e. she *thinks* linux is complicated!). It's worth noting that the monitor only seems to work well with a resolution of 1024x768. I rigged it with a WiFi card, because soon, when we'll move, I am going to use a Linksys WRT54G router.
by Martin @ 9:24 23 October 2005


installed EvilEntity 0.2.5! It installed perfectly |more or less. I tried Redhat 7.2 before but it somehow didn't install correctly, leaving me without a taskbar in gnome. After this I tried Peanut 9.5 but that crashed even before it could reach the installation interface. Using EvilE I only have to configure sound (haven't tested networking, though) manually. "Modprobe sb" works fine, but putting that in /etc/rc.d/rc.sndconfig doesn't work at all.
by Martin @ 9:24 15 August 2003


acquired it at Super PC Discount Rotterdam for EUR 380 with pcmcia network card and shoulderbag. Came with Windows 98 pre-installed. That sucked of course, so...
by Martin @ 9:23 15 June 2003