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mdworld - robotics


BlueCactus (we call him Slitty), the second project of MD Enterprises concerning autonomous robots.
The old site is still here: BlueCactus Website

For a copy of the old site, read along past the break (in Dutch).

by Martin @ 12:00 1 July 2002


My first project concerning autonomous robots. I seem to have lost most information from before 2000, but suffice it to say, the robot was just a simple Braitenberg-vehicle (although we didn't know it was called that, when we build it), build with LEGO Robbert and I had laying around, and two LDR's.

It was build as a physics project in September 1999. I think we got a 7 or something (it had a major deviation to one side, don't remember what side, because the engines were different types).

by Martin @ 14:33 1 October 1999