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mdworld - r2d2


I first started this blog june 5, 2008.
by Martin @ 16:44 5 June 2008


Put R2D2 away in a closet. Didn't use it anyway (the harddrive is too noisy) and needed the space to store Tiefighter.
by Martin @ 10:11 6 July 2004


The plan worked, the compact webpage was stable and accessible for 27 days. After that my ISP decided I've had this IP long enough... Than suddenly, at night, I could hear harddisk access, what was going on? The file root.htm was open (showed in the table of open files, after typing status), but there couldn't be incoming traffic (unfortunately, I was to sleepy to check whether the light on one of either the NIC/hub/router was blinking). Anyway, the noise was keeping me up, so I shut it down.
by Martin @ 11:09 31 October 2003


Hooked r2d2 up to my new hub. One step closer to a permanent webserver. I only need a way to let Dr. DOS upload my darn dynamic IP periodically, so I can access it remotely. Web (80) and FTP (21) are routed to r2d2. I plan to upload a compact version of my linkdump to it.
by Martin @ 11:09 23 February 2003


Up and running EZ-NOS webserver using Caldera Dr.DOS. Still waiting for a hub to make it permanent. And a way to run it from the harddisk
by Martin @ 11:08 21 January 2003


Genius pocket LAN adapter seems to be broken all along. Exchanged it.
by Martin @ 11:08 20 January 2003


Installed MS DOS.
by Martin @ 11:07 1 December 2002


Installed Minix, just to find out there are no drivers for the Genius under Unix, I should've know better.
by Martin @ 11:05 1 December 2002


Got a Genius pocket LAN adapter to link the parallel port to my UTP LAN. Decided to use it as a VERY SILENT and VERY LOW POWER webserver.
by Martin @ 11:05 1 December 2002


(approx. 2001) Installed Windows 3.11, It didn't work at all up to now, seemed to be combination of broken battery and bootsector.
by Martin @ 11:04 1 January 2001