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mdworld - jas

Alive again

Started the server again after half a year (since moving out of the old house), that is since March. After updating all the packages (I'm actually running Debian Lenny 5.0.3), it was just a matter of updating the entire chain of IP addresses (server, router, modem, DNS), and everything works again. Albeit quite slow, because of the 256MB RAM. Only now I'm able to update the blog entries for the other machines.
by Martin @ 21:09 8 November 2009


Still no trace to be found of eth0, and no errors are logged. Then I remembered, after I installed the old RAM, I also thought it was a good plan to reset the BIOS to failsafe settings. After rebooting found that "VIA  onchip LAN" was disabled! Enabled and booted in "default" mode (non single-user). Eth0 started normally. Started top at 17:22.
by Martin @ 18:15 19 March 2009

Still Running...

Top is still running, see if rebooting into normal mode also works, so rebooted. I see that again (just like the last boot) eth0 can't be brought up.
by Martin @ 20:32 18 March 2009


Started succesfully in single user mode, started top.
by Martin @ 12:05 15 March 2009

Another Test

tried a memtest86+, but froze at walltime 0:00:25
by Martin @ 12:03 15 March 2009

Backup RAM

Changed RAM to old 256 MB dimm & started, immediate kernel panic in start up.
by Martin @ 12:00 15 March 2009

No workie

Thought the distro upgrade might help, but it didn't. Still no improvements. Tried memtest86 (a lot), smartctl and cpuburn, nothing suggests any problems. Except for the teensy fact it won't stay on for more than 24 hours at the time.
by Martin @ 21:00 10 February 2009

Lenny Beta

Wow, I just accedentally installed the testversion of Lenny. I thought it was already released :P
by Martin @ 1:53 7 February 2009

Panic! Panic!

Repeated kernel panic's, that sucks! Randomly, the server goes offline, apparently it throws kernel panics. Maybe it's the RAM?
by Martin @ 19:55 22 January 2009


I first started this blog june 5, 2008.
by Martin @ 16:44 5 June 2008